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(+254) 07 26 78 91 60

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Our priorities 2025


Students supported last year


Accommodation and building projects


Marginalised People supported daily with food and care

our causes

Goal :


Raised :


building a new nature science lab

At the moment we are able to work on the foundation and now we want to build some walls and then we will start to work on the interior.


Goal :


Raised :


Study and education of our dear Friend Johnathan

Thanks to your donations, we were able to achieve this goal and will soon be able to provide another student with an education.

Mr. Marete and the kids

Goal :


Raised :


Pincipals Maretes Hearin-Aid

Mr. Marete, who is the principal is getting a bit older and now his hearing aid needs to be calibrated so he can teach and hear the studens again

These are the projects we were already able to finance and some of the thoughts our CEO had regarding the african continent. Maybe you will find some new insights and views and maye a cause to support our small charity.

  • A New Chemistry and Physics Lab

    A New Chemistry and Physics Lab

    It is a momentous occasion for the students and teachers of a school in Kenya: thanks to the overwhelming support from donations made through the platform SchoolForAfrica, the school has finally been able to establish a small but fully functional chemistry and physics lab. This new facility will not only significantly enhance learning but also…

  • Ein neues Chemie- und Physik-Labor

    Ein neues Chemie- und Physik-Labor

    Es ist ein großer Moment für die Schülerinnen und Lehrerinnen einer Schule in Kenia: Dank der überwältigenden Unterstützung durch Spenden über die Plattform SchoolForAfrica konnte die Schule endlich ein kleines, aber voll funktionsfähiges Chemie- und Physik-Labor einrichten. Diese Einrichtung wird nicht nur das Lernen erheblich verbessern, sondern auch das Interesse der Schüler*innen an den Naturwissenschaften…

  • New Classroom Construction in Kenya

    New Classroom Construction in Kenya

    We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of €700 to support our small school in Kenya. This milestone marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the school as we commence the construction of a new classroom. Laying the Foundation The journey…

  • Aufbau einer besseren Zukunft

    Aufbau einer besseren Zukunft

    Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir dank Ihrer großzügigen Spenden unser Spendenziel von 700 € zur Unterstützung einer kleinen Schule in Kenia erreicht haben. Dieser Meilenstein markiert den Beginn eines aufregenden neuen Kapitels für die Schule, da wir mit dem Bau eines neuen Klassenzimmers beginnen werden. Den Grundstein legen Der Weg…