Bodi tribe of Ethiopia that believe being bigger is better
In Ethiopia there are number of communities with interesting as well as you can say, primitive cultures. The Bodi lives…
All teachers in Kenya will get Covid-19 vaccine irrespective of their age
All teachers in the country will now receive the Covid-19 vaccine irrespective of their age, this is according to Teachers…
The Sacred Mugumo tree
The demise of sacred mugumo tree (Ficus natalensis) in Kikuyu culture is symbolic that foretells incoming tragedy, end or beginning…
Blaise Compaoré, former Burkinabe president to stand a trial for the murder of Thomas Sankara
Burkina Faso’s former president , Blaise Compaoré has on Tuesday been indicted by the Military Tribunal in the Sankara murder…
Mutunguru: the tallest tree in Kenya and probably the second tallest native tree in Africa
Mutunguru tree is believed to be the tallest tree in Kenya and the third tallest in Africa with the 62.5…
The Khoisan
The Khoikhoi and San are two different people, they are both called Khoisan because of their distinct click sound language.…
IMF approves Ksh.255 billion loan to Kenya, Kenyans are not happy
The international Monetary Fund (IMF) has has approved a 38- month program which will see Kenya receive a total of…
These select animals became extinct for the last over 200 years in Africa
For the last 100 years around 500 species have completely disappeared from the space of earth probably due to human.…
Top universities in Kenya that attract international students
The Kenyan universities that attract foreign students have been revealed in a new report that exposes the competitiveness of the…