A New Chemistry and Physics Lab
It is a momentous occasion for the students and teachers of a school in Kenya: thanks to the overwhelming support…
Ein neues Chemie- und Physik-Labor
Es ist ein großer Moment für die Schülerinnen und Lehrerinnen einer Schule in Kenia: Dank der überwältigenden Unterstützung durch Spenden…
New Classroom Construction in Kenya
We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of…
Aufbau einer besseren Zukunft
Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir dank Ihrer großzügigen Spenden unser Spendenziel von 700 € zur…
By Nancy Makena, A man can love a woman, a woman can be loved by a man, an old man…
The many roots of least understood violence in Mozambique
Conflict erupted in Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado province just a few years after some of Africa’s biggest gas reserves were…
The Dark side of the DR Congo’s Coltan Wealth
Coltan is one of the world’s vital minerals, 60% of coltan reserves globally is found in Democratic Republic of Congo,…
15-year-old Form Two student begs for school fees in city streets
Aschoolgirl who had been sent home over Sh29,177 fees arrears today ventured into city streets to beg for assistance from…
Cameroon Tries to Get Child Miners Back to School
Authorities in Cameroon say they are attempting to remove thousands of children working in gold mines along the country’s eastern…
Crash calendar after ‘Failed’ online learning in Kenya
Kenya’s education sector was hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic that paralysed learning in all levels, from primary school to…