Kenya: Magoha orders fees refund for secondary school parent
The ministry of education has ordered public secondary schools to refund parents fees charged besides that which government has recommended.…
Coming to Birth book review, themes and figures of speech
Coming to Birth was first published in 1986, written by Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye. Marjorie was a British Kenyan who settled…
Bantu people
The Bantu people are the speakers of Bantu languages. Most of the Bantu speakers in Eastern Africa originated from Central…
Top News that has been making headlines in Kenya in the past two weeks
Eagle picks snake, fight ensues, eagle drops snake, snake lands on car, bites man. The struggle involving an eagle and…
Earliest known human burial discovered in Kenya
Scientists have discovered oldest known human burial. A child who was 2 or 3 years old was discovered buried in…
All teachers in Kenya will get Covid-19 vaccine irrespective of their age
All teachers in the country will now receive the Covid-19 vaccine irrespective of their age, this is according to Teachers…
The Sacred Mugumo tree
The demise of sacred mugumo tree (Ficus natalensis) in Kikuyu culture is symbolic that foretells incoming tragedy, end or beginning…
Mutunguru: the tallest tree in Kenya and probably the second tallest native tree in Africa
Mutunguru tree is believed to be the tallest tree in Kenya and the third tallest in Africa with the 62.5…
Blood Red Alkaline Lake in Kapedo, in Turkana County
Turkana is among the driest and hottest region in Kenya, within it there is Lake Turkana and Blood Red Alkaline…
Monkeys and baboons attack villagers in search of food and water in Mandera Kenya
The drought crisis currently ongoing in Mandera County has caused yet another challenge of human and wildlife conflicts. The drought…